Posted on June 27, 2020
How to Build Your LinkedIn Network:
Tips for Making Meaningful Connections
Have you seen this?
“I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”
This is the default message that is sent to a prospective connection when you click on the ‘connect’ button for ‘people you may know’ served to you throughout LinkedIn. It’s often the fast track to having your request ignored; using this default connection message is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when you’re looking to network on LinkedIn.
People usually dismiss these requests because you didn’t take the time to explain why you want to connect with them.
Instead, you should go to the person’s full profile page and then hit the ‘connect’ button right under their profile picture. You see, the secret to getting professionals to connect with you on LinkedIn is your introduction. You must customize each connection request by telling them why you’d like to connect.
These 300 characters can have a big impact: If you’re connecting with someone you know well, it’s a great opportunity to say something positive and strengthen the relationship. If you’re connecting with someone you know casually, it’s a great opportunity to remind them how you met. Finally, if you’re connecting with someone you don’t know at all, it’s your only opportunity to convince them to accept your request and start a relationship.
Show you're willing to put in the time and effort to make a proper introduction; this goes a long way in networking.
Currently, LinkedIn does not allow the customization of invitations sent from the People You May Know feature in the mobile app. It’s best to save the request until you can access your computer.
If the recipient of your message responds to your custom message, a new message thread will appear in your Inbox. Keep in mind that a response can be sent without them accepting your invitation.
To add a message to a LinkedIn invitation to connect:
- Visit the member's profile page and click ‘Connect.’
- Click on ‘Add a note.’
- Add your message in the text field.
- Click ‘Send invitation’.
Here are some samples to get you started: